
I.              EPRI. The Green Grid: Energy Savings and Carbon Emissions Reductions Enabled by a Smart Grid
II.             Falcão, D. M. Fellow, IEEE. Integração de Tecnologias para Viabilização da Smart Grid
III.            Falcão, D. M. Smart Grids e Microredes: o Futuro já é Presente
IV.            Farhangi, H.The Path os the Smart Grid
V.             Moslehi, K. Member, IEEE; Kumar, R. Member, IEEE. Smart Grid - A Reliability Perspective.
VI.            IEEE Smart Grid [Site]
VII.           NIST. [Site]
VIII.         Smart Grid [Site]
IX.            Smart Grid News.[Site]
X.             Smart Grids.[Site]
XI.            U.S. Departament of Energy. Smart Grid System Report.
XII.           U.S. Departament of Energy . 20% wind Energy by 2030.