Differentiated Services
Last updated: June-12-2001
New multimedia applications need real-time performance guarantees such
as bounded delay and minimum throughput. The current Internet does not
support these QoS parameters and it is a real challenge to integrate
them in the existing architecture. The DiffServ WG is working on
providing a simple schema to support various types of applications by
differentiating classes of service for Internet traffic.
The differentiated services architecture proposes the use of a
well-defined set of building blocks from which a variety of services may
be built. In this architecture, each packet carries an information (DS
byte) used by each hop to give it a particular forwarding treatment.
The major goals of the DiffServ WG are to standardize the layout of the
DS byte and to assign specific forwarding treatment, called per-hop
behavior, to a certain number of patterns of the DS byte, e.g. the
forwarding treatment received by best-effort traffic.
Differentiated service mechanisms allow network providers to allocate
different levels of service to different users of the Internet and
investigations are being done on mechanisms such as traffic meters,
shapers/droppers, packet markers to be used at the boundaries of the
Many discussions happens on the group's mailing list. Subscription
requests for the DiffServ mailing list should be sent to majordomo@baynetworks.com
with the line "subscribe diff-serv" in the message body. The group's
mailing list itself is at diff-serv@baynetworks.com.
The DiffServ official web page is at www.ietf.org/html.charters/diffserv-charter.html.
- "Definition of Differentiated Services Per Domain Behaviors
and Rules for their Specification"
(RFC3086), April 2001.
- "A Framework for Integrated Services Operation over Diffserv Networks"
(RFC2998), November 2000.
- "A Two Rate Three Color Marker"
(RFC2698), September, 1999.
- "A Single Rate Three Color Marker"
(RFC2697), September, 1999.
- "A Two-bit Differentiated Services Architecture
for the Internet"
(RFC2638), July, 1999.
- "Assured Forwarding
PHB Group"
(RFC2597), June, 1999.
- "An Expedited
Forwarding PHB"
(RFC2598), June, 1999.
- "Definition of the
Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6
(RFC2474), December, 1998.
- "An Architecture for
Differentiated Services"
(RFC2475), December,
IETF Drafts
- "Supplemental
Information for the New Definition of the EF PHB"
(draft-ietf-diffserv-ef-supplemental-01), February, 2001.
- "An Assured Rate
Per-Domain Behaviour for Differentiated Services"
(draft-ietf-diffserv-pdb-ar-00), June, 2001.
- "A Bulk Handling
Per-Domain Behavior for Differentiated Services"
(draft-ietf-diffserv-pdb-bh-02), January, 2001.
- "A revised
expression of the Expedited Forwarding PHB"
(draft-ietf-diffserv-efresolve-00), November, 2000.
- "Service Level
Specification Semantics, Parameters and negotiation
(draft-tequila-diffserv-sls-00), July, 2000.
- "Definition of
Differentiated Services Behavior Aggregates and Rules for their Specification"
(draft-ietf-diffserv-ba-def-01), February, 2000.
- "A Framework for
Differentiated Services"
October, 1998.
Others Drafts
- "IP Multicast in Differentiated
Services Networks"
September, 1999.
- "A Lower Than Best-Effort
Per-Hop Behavior"
September, 1999.
"Usefullness of three drop precedences in Assured Forwarding service"
(draft-elloumi-diffserv-threevstwo-00), July, 1999.
"A rate adaptive shaper for differentiated services"
(draft-bonaventure-diffserv-rashaper-00), June, 1999.
"A Fair Marker"
(draft-kim-fairmarker-diffserv-00), April, 1999.
"A Two Rate Three Color Marker"
(draft-heinanen-diffserv-trtcm-01), May, 1999.
"A Single Rate Three Color Marker"
(draft-heinanen-diffserv-srtcm-01), May, 1999.
"A Three Color Marker"
(draft-heinanen-diffserv-tcm-01), February, 1999.
"TCP-Friendly Traffic Conditioners for Differentiated
(draft-azeem-tcpfriendly-diffserv-00), February,
"Voice over Differentiated Services"
(draft-naser-voice-diffserv-eval-00), December, 1998.
- "Requirements of
Diff-serv Boundary Routers"
(draft-bernet-diffedge-01), November,
- "Preliminary
Simulation Evaluation of an Assured
(draft-ibanez-assured-eval-00), August, 1998.
- "A One-bit Feedback
Enhanced Differentiated Services
(draft-shivkuma-ecn-diffserv-00), March 1998.
- "User-Share
Differentiation (USD) Scalable bandwidth allocation for differentiated
(draft-wang-diff-serv-usd-00), November 1997.
- "An Approach to
Service Allocation in the Internet"
July 1997.
- Evaluating
Fairness in the Aggregated Traffic Marking
I.B.H. Alves,
J.F. Rezende, L.F.M. Moraes,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
to appear in Proc. of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference -
GLOBECOM'00, November 2000.
- On Achievable Service
Differentiation with Token Bucket Marking for TCP
Sahu, P. Nain, D. Towsley, C. Diot, V. Firoiu,
Univertsity of Massachusetts at Amberst, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, Sprint ATL, and Nortel Networks
ACM SIGMETRICS 2000, August 2000.
- Proportional Differentiated Services, Part
II: Loss Rate Differentiation and Packet Dropping
Dovrolis and P. Ramanathan, Univertsity of Wisconsin-Madison
Proc. of the IEEE/IFIP Eighth International Workshop on Quality of
Service - IWQoS'2000, June 2000.
- A TCP-Friendly Traffic Marker for IP Differentiated Services
A. Feroz, A. Rao, and S. Kalyanaraman, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Proc. of the IEEE/IFIP Eighth International Workshop on Quality of Service -
IWQoS'2000, June 2000.
- Dynamic Edge Provisioning for Core IP Networks
R. R.-F. Liao and A. T. Campbell, Columbia University
Proc. of the IEEE/IFIP Eighth International Workshop on Quality of Service -
IWQoS'2000, June 2000.
- Toward a Theory of Differentiated Services
H. Ren and K. Park, Purdue University
Proc. of the IEEE/IFIP Eighth International Workshop on Quality of Service -
IWQoS'2000, June 2000.
- A Fair Traffic Conditioner for the Assured
Service in a Differentiated Services Internet
Andrikopoulos, L. Wood, and G. Pavlou, Centre for Communication Systems
Research, University of Surrey
Proc. of the
IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC'99, June 2000.
- Content-Based Packet Video Forwarding Mechanism in Differentiated Services Networks
Jitae Shin, Jong-Won Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo,
University of Southern California
Proc. of the Packet Video Workshop'2000, May 2000.
- Peering and Provisioning of Differentiated Internet Services
N. Semret, R. R.-F. Liao, A. T. Campbell, A. A. Lazar,
University of California at Los Angeles, Columbia University
Proc. of the IEEE INFOCOM'2000, March 2000.
- Competitive Queue Policies for Differentiated Services
W. Aiello, Y. Mansour, S. Rajagopolan, and A. Rosen,
AT&T Research, Tel-Aviv University, Telcordia Technologies, and University of Toronto
Proc. of the IEEE INFOCOM'2000, March 2000.
- Delay Differentiation and Adaptation in Core Stateless Networks
T. Nandagopal, N. Venkitaraman, R. Sivakumar, and V. Bharghavan,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Proc. of the IEEE INFOCOM'2000, March 2000.
- Assured Service Evaluation
J. F. Rezende,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Proc. of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - GLOBECOM'99, p. 100-104, December 1999.
- Towards a Differentiated Services Support
for Voice Traffic
A. Ziviani, J. F. Rezende, and O. C. M. B. Duarte,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Proc. of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - GLOBECOM'99, p. 59-63, December 1999.
- RED+ Gateways for Identification
and Discrimination of Unfriendly Best-Effort Flows
in the Internet
T. Ziegler, S. Fdida, and U. Hofmann, Université
Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France), School for Telecommunications (Salzburz, Austria)
IFIP Fifth International Conference on
Broadband Communications - BC'99, November 1999.
- A Case for Relative Differentiated Services and
the Proportional Differentiation Model
C. Dovrolis and P. Ramanathan, Univertsity of
IEEE Network, vol. 13, no. 5, September/October 1999.
- Internet2 QBone - Building a Testbed
for Differentiated Services
B. Teitelbaum, S. Hares, L. Dunn, V. Narayan, R. Neilson, and F. Reichmeyer, Internet2, Merit Network, Cisco Systems, NASA, British Columbia Institute of Technology, and IPHighway
IEEE Network, vol. 13, no. 5, September/October 1999.
- Providing Internet Access: What we learn from
the INDEX Trial
R. J. Edell and P. P. Varaiya, Univertsity of
California, Berkeley
IEEE Network, vol. 13, no. 5, September/October 1999.
- Providing Guaranteed Services Without Per Flow Management
I. Stoica, H. Zhang,
Carnegie Mellon University
Proc. of the ACM SIGCOMM'99, September 1999.
- A Flexible Model for Resource Management in Virtual Private Networks
N. G. Duffield, P. Goyal, A. Greenberg, P. Miahra, K. K. Ramakriahnan, J. F. van der Merwe,
AT&T Labs-Research
Proc. of the ACM SIGCOMM'99, September 1999.
- Proportional Differentiated Services: Delay Differentiation and Packet Scheduling
C. Dovrolis, D. Stiliadis, and P. Ramanathan,
University of Wisconsin, Bell Laboratories
Proc. of the ACM SIGCOMM'99, September 1999.
- Performance Comparison of Different Class-and-Drop
Treatment of Data and Acknowledgements in DiffServ IP Networs
S. Köhler and U. Schäfer, University of Wurzburg (Germany)
Technical report no. 237, August 1999.
- Reasons not to deploy RED
M. May, J. Bolot, C. Diot, and B. Lyles,
INRIA and Sprint Labs
Proc. of the IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service - IWQoS'99, June 1999.
- Paris Metro Pricing: The Minimalist Differentiated Services Solution
Andrew Odlyzko,
AT&T Labs - Research
Proc. of the IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service - IWQoS'99, June 1999.
- Fairness of Assured Service
F. Baumgartner, T. Braun, C. Siebel,
University of Berne and Deutsche Telekom AG
Proc. of the European Simulation Multiconference - ESM'99, June 1999.
- Relative Differentiated Services in the
Internet: Issues and Mechanisms
C. Dovrolis and D. Stiliadis, Univertsity of
ACM SIGMETRICS 1999, May 1999.
- Internet QoS: the Big Picture
X. Xiao, L. M. Li,
Michigan State University
IEEE Network, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1-13, March/April 1999.
- Peering and Provisioning of Differentiated Internet Services
N. Semret, R. R.-F. Liao, A. T. Campbell, and A. A. Lazar,
Columbia University
Technical Report, March 1999.
- The Cost of QoS Support in Edge Devices: An Experimental Study
R. Guérin, L. Li, S. Nadas, P. Pan, V. Peris,
Proc. of the IEEE INFOCOM'99, March 1999.
- A Quantitative Study of Differentiated Services for the Internet
S. Sahu, D. Towsley, J. Kurose,
University of Massachusetts
UMass CMPSCI Technical Report 99-09
- Market Pricing of Differentiated Internet Services
N. Semret, R. R.-F. Liao, A. T. Campbell, A. A. Lazar,
Columbia University
Technical Report CU/CTR/TR 503-98-37, December 1998.
- Differentiated Services: A New Approach for Quality in the Internet
F. Baumgartner, T. Braun, P. Habegger,
University of Berne
Proc. of the 8th IFIP Conference on High Performance Networking - HPN'98, September 1998.
- Explicit Allocation of Best Effort
Packet Delivery Service
David D. Clark and Wenjia Fang, MIT
Lab for Computer Science
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 362-373, August 1998.
- Adaptive Packet Marking for Providing Differentiated Services in the Internet
W. Feng, D. Kandlur, D. Saha, and K. Shin,
University of Michigan and IBM
Technical Report U. Michigan CSE-TR-347-97 or IBM Research Report RC 21013, October 1997.
- Understanding TCP Dynamics in an Integrated Services Internet
W. Feng, D. Kandlur, D. Saha, and K. Shin,
University of Michigan and IBM
Proc. of the NOSDAV'97, May 1997.
- A Comparative Study of Schemes for Differentiated Services
A. Basu, Z. Wang,
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
- Combining Sender and Receiver Payments in
the Internet
David D. Clark, MIT Lab for Computer
- 1-Bit Schemes for Service Discrimination in
the Internet: Analysis and Evaluation
Martin May, Jean-Chrysotome
Bolot, Christophe Diot, Alain Jean-Marie, Inria
- Scalable Resource Reservation for the
Werner Almesberger, Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Tiziana
Ferrari, EPFL
Related Papers
- The Impact of Multicast Layering
on Network Fairness
Dan Rubenstein, Jim Kurose, and Don
Towsley, Univertsity of Massachusetts at Amberst
Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM'99, September 1999.
- Core-Stateless Fair Queueing: Achieving
Approximately Fair Bandwidth Allocations in High Speed Networks
I. Stoica, S. Shenker, and H. Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University
and Xerox PARC
Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM'98, September 1998.
- The Macroscopic Behavior of the TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm
M. Mathis, J. Semke, J. Mahdavi, and T. Ott, Polytechnic University
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, volume 15, pp.bg 867-879, June 1997.
- Design of a Generalized Priority Queue Manager for ATM Switches
H. J. Chao, H. Cheng, Y-R. Jeng, and D. Jeong, Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center and BellCore
Computer Communication Review, volume 27, number 3, July 1997.
- Simulation-based Comparisons of Tahoe, Reno, and SACK TCP
Kevin Fall and Sally Floyd, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Computer Communication Review, volume 26, number 3, July 1996.
- Congestion Avoidance and Control
Van Jacobson and Michael J. Karels, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and
Univertsity of California at Berkeley
Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM'88, August 1988.
ns Implementation
ns (network
simulator) is a event-driven simulator developed at Berkeley. It has as
front-end an OTcl interpreter and it is written in C++. Extensions to ns
has been done to accomodate differentiated service architecture elements
such as classifiers, markers, droppers/shapers and RIO buffer
management. These extensions are currently implemented in ns version
2.1b5 using a Linux box. We are currently preparing a documentation to
the use of this architecture. As soon it is finished the implementation
will be publicly available at this page.