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Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets

Brian "Beej" Hall

Version 2.3.23

November 5, 2005

Copyright © 2005 Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall


1. Intro
1.1. Audience
1.2. Platform and Compiler
1.3. Official Homepage
1.4. Note for Solaris/SunOS Programmers
1.5. Note for Windows Programmers
1.6. Email Policy
1.7. Mirroring
1.8. Note for Translators
1.9. Copyright and Distribution

2. What is a socket?
2.1. Two Types of Internet Sockets
2.2. Low level Nonsense and Network Theory

3. structs and Data Handling
3.1. Convert the Natives!
3.2. IP Addresses and How to Deal With Them

4. System Calls or Bust
4.1. socket()--Get the File Descriptor!
4.2. bind()--What port am I on?
4.3. connect()--Hey, you!
4.4. listen()--Will somebody please call me?
4.5. accept()--"Thank you for calling port 3490."
4.6. send() and recv()--Talk to me, baby!
4.7. sendto() and recvfrom()--Talk to me, DGRAM-style
4.8. close() and shutdown()--Get outta my face!
4.9. getpeername()--Who are you?
4.10. gethostname()--Who am I?
4.11. DNS--You say "", I say ""

5. Client-Server Background
5.1. A Simple Stream Server
5.2. A Simple Stream Client
5.3. Datagram Sockets

6. Slightly Advanced Techniques
6.1. Blocking
6.2. select()--Synchronous I/O Multiplexing
6.3. Handling Partial send()s
6.4. Son of Data Encapsulation
6.5. Broadcast Packets--Hello, World!

7. Common Questions

8. Man Pages
8.1. accept()
8.2. bind()
8.3. connect()
8.4. close()
8.5. gethostname()
8.6. gethostbyname(), gethostbyaddr()
8.7. getpeername()
8.8. errno
8.9. fcntl()
8.10. htons(), htonl(), ntohs(), ntohl()
8.11. inet_ntoa(), inet_aton()
8.12. listen()
8.13. perror(), strerror()
8.14. poll()
8.15. recv(), recvfrom()
8.16. select()
8.17. setsockopt(), getsockopt()
8.18. send(), sendto()
8.19. shutdown()
8.20. socket()
8.21. struct sockaddr_in, struct in_addr

9. More References
9.1. Books
9.2. Web References
9.3. RFCs

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