Palestra: Dia 22/02/05 das 10:30 às 12:00 –
Sala H - 301
Research in Multimedia Communications and Distributed
Virtual Environments
Abstract - Multimedia
Communications is the field referring to the formation, storage, retrieval,
dissemination and collaborative work with, of digital documents composed of
correlated media such as audio, video, text, graphics, images, animation, 3D, haptics and other. The talk will first
present the research of the oldest Multimedia Communications Research
Laboratory in Canada (MCRLab, founded in 1984) with emphasis on multimedia
Tele-medicine and multimedia Tele-learning over various networks. Subsequently,
the research of the new (1997) DISCOVER
laboratory, involving Distributed Virtual Reality, Virtualized Reality,
Augmented Reality, Sensor Networks and Tele-Haptics will be highlighted.
Applications in Industrial Training, e-Commerce and Medical Training will be
described and demonstrated with some video clips.
Nicolas D. Georganas, OOnt,
FRSC, FCAE, FIEEE, FEIC, is Distinguished University Professor and Canada
Research Chair in Information Technology at the School of Information
Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa. He received the Dipl.Ing.
degree in Electrical Engineering from
the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1966 and the Ph.D. in
Electrical Engineering ( Summa cum Laude ) from the University of Ottawa in
1970. He has published over 110 journal
and 220 conference papers and is co-author of the book "Queueing Networks-
Exact Computational Algorithms: A Unified Theory by Decomposition and
Aggregation", MIT Press, 1989.- He has received research grants and
contracts totaling more than $52 million and has supervised more than 185
researchers, among which 104 graduate students (32 PhD, 72 MASc) and 21
PostDocs. In 1990, he was elected Fellow of IEEE. In 1994, he was elected
Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada. In 1995, he was co-recipient of
the IEEE INFOCOM'95 Prize Paper Award. In 1997, he was inducted as Fellow in
the Canadian Academy of Engineering and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
In 1998, he was selected as the University of Ottawa Researcher of the Year and
also received the University 150th Anniversary Medal for Research. In 1999, he was awarded
the Thomas W. Eadie Medal of the Royal Society of Canada, funded by Bell
Canada, for his contributions to Canadian and International telecommunications.
In 2000, he received the A.G.L. McNaughton Gold Medal and Award, the highest
distinction of IEEE Canada; the Julian
C. Smith Medal of the Engineering Institute of Canada; the OCRI President's for
the creation
of the National Capital
Institute of Telecommunications (NCIT); the Bell Canada Forum Award from the
Corporate-Higher Education Forum, the Researcher Achievement Award, from the
TeleLearning Network of Centres of Excellence and a Canada Research Chair in
Information Technology. In 2001, he was appointed Distinguished University
Professor of the University of Ottawa and he was also received the Order of
Ontario, the province's highest and most prestigious honour. In 2002, he
received the Killam Prize for Engineering, Canada's most distinguished award
for outstanding career achievements, and in 2003 the Queen Elisabeth II Golden
Jubilee Medal. In 2004, he became
editor-in-Chief of the ACM
Trans.on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications and received a
Honorary Doctorate from the Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany.