Future Internet Testbed with Security

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Common Issues

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1) The computer crashes during graphical interface initialization.

A suggested workaround is to delete the file "/etc/rc2.d/S05gdm3", using another kernel.

This will prevent the computer from starting the graphical interface when booted.

2) Unable to create virtual machines.

Error: "Device xxx (vbd) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not working."

Suggested workaround: Delete some virtual machine restauration files, changing xen scripts permissions and rebooting:

xenstore-rm /local/domain/0/backend/vbd
rm -rf /var/lib/xen/save/*
chmod 755 /etc/xen/scripts/

Reboot the machine.

Aditionally Xen can be configured to avoid creating new files in the save folder, this can be done editing the file "/etc/default/xendomains" with:


In this way Xen will not try to restore domains that were active before the physical machine was rebooted.

3) In some machines, unable to boot Xen.

This could happen in old 64 bits machines with 4GB of RAM. A suggested workaround is to edit the Xen grub to force a boot using exactly 400MBytes, for this do the following:

Edit the file: /etc/default/grub to add the follwing commands:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="var1 var2 mem=4G"

Run update-grub as root.