Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
COPPE / PEE - Grupo de Teleinformática e Automação


Reconhecimento de Formas Bidimensionais por Modelagem Poligonal

Prof. João Marques de Carvalho (UFPB)

30 de março de 1994 - Sala G122 às 10:00 hs

O professor João Marques de Carvalho formou-se em Engenharia Elétrica na UFPB em 1976. Obteve os títulos de M. A. Sc. e Ph. D. na Universidade de Waterloo em 1979 e 1984, respectivamente. Em 1992/93 realizou seu pós doutoramento na Universidade Paris VI. É professor da Universidade Federal da Paraíba desde 1976 onde realiza pesquisas nas áreas de Processamento de Imagens e Técnicas de Inteligência Artificial.


In this report a new method for polygonal modeling of two dimensional shapes and an associated method for shape recognition are presented. The modeling method works along the shape boundary, looking for vertices among the points where changes of direction take place. Local geometrical features of the model can be extracted during this modeling phase to be used later in the recognition process. Shape fidelity of the polygonal model can be controlled by an appropriate choice of parameters. The method for shape recognition matches local geometric features of models in order to identify and locate bjects present in a scene. Identification can be performed even in the presence of partial object occlusion. Both methods were conceived to explore the use of parallelism by implementing concurrently the operations involved in image segmentation, model building and recognition. Therefore, they are very appropriate for a parallel hardware implementation. Although being developed as part of the same vision system, the two methods are not interdependent and can be utilized isolated.