Dr Jean-Pierre Briot

LIP6, Paris & PUC-Rio


Palestra: Dia 13/02/08 das 10:00 às 11:00 – Sala H - 301


Agents and Components: Comparison and Perspectives


Resumo - Agents and components, although developed independently, are both concepts aimed at designing more composable and adaptable software. The first part of the talk will compare them along the history of programming abstractions and include other important steps such as, e.g., objects, actors and services.  More precisely, we will consider a common referential with three dimensions: action selection flexibility, coupling flexibility and abstraction level. Then, if times allows, in a second part of the talk, we will point out a few directions for combining notions of agents and components. A first direction is in making components more autonomous and flexible, by importing some ideas from agents and multi-agent systems. A second and dual direction is in using components to design building blocks for constructing agents. 


Jean-Pierre Briot is a "Directeur de recherche" (Research Professor) at "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" (CNRS) in France. He received his doctorship/PhD (1984) and then his "habilitation à diriger des recherches" (1989), both in computer science and from University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France. He is a member of the "Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6" (LIP6), where he headed the "Objects and Agents for Simulation and Information Systems" (OASIS) research department from 1996 to 2005. His general research interests are about object-based and agent-based models, architectures and techniques for high-level and adaptive cooperative distributed computing. Some application fields of interest are cooperative information systems, ubiquitous systems, participatory simulation, and computer music. Jean-Pierre Briot is currently a visiting researcher at "Department of computer science" of PUC-Rio, in the software engineering research lab (LES), headed by Professor Carlos Lucena.