Performing PGP functions from the Clipboard or Current


        If you are using an email application that is not supported by the PGP plug-ins, or if you are working with text generated by some other application, you can perform your encryption/decryption and signature/verification functions via the Windows Clipboard or within the current application window.

      Via the Windows Clipboard

        For instance, to encrypt or sign text, you copy it from your application to the Clipboard (CTRL +C), encrypt and sign it using the appropriate PGP functions, then paste (CTRL +V) it back into your application before sending it to the intended recipients. When you receive an encrypted or signed email message, you simply reverse the process and copy the encrypted text, known as ciphertext from your application to the Clipboard, decrypt and verify the information, and then view the contents. After you view the decrypted message, you can decide whether to save the information or retain it in its encrypted form.

      Within the Current Window

        You can perform the same cryptographic tasks using the Current Window menu item, which copies the text in the current window to the Clipboard and then performs the selected task.

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